Hey! Ive been using memrise for the past year on and off, and Im noticing a serious improvement over this time. Good job! I really enjoy the increased gamification of the experience with the rewards system and the like. But a few suggestions are this:
A mode where two or more very similar choices are offered and a phrase or sound is given, and the user must pick the correct one.
Unlockable mini games that dont have anything to do really with the course, but just act as a cool down, like Tetris or something, and it can only be opened up after finishing the goals for the day.
Rewards that are bigger than a badge for a multi day streak. And on the topic of badges, you should consider putting a really over dramatic "holy crap you got a badge!!!!" Sort of animation that you see in a lot of video games. Itd be really satisfying :3c
Nobody-but-mebody about Memrise: Speak a new language